Relaxation Therapies Using Bio-Harmonics
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Relaxation Therapies
Harmonic Egg to Promote Harmony
Those who live with anxiety know that it takes a toll on their overall health. Sleeplessness and stress can lead to deficiencies of the immune system, cardio-vascular disease, and mental health problems. Managing daily stress is shown to improve health and helps you to live a better life.
The Harmonic Egg is an energy healing therapy that uses vibrational frequencies to bring body and mind into harmony. A 50-minute session within the Harmonic Egg’s chamber helps to bring about a deepening meditative state and peacefulness that helps to alleviate anxiety and better cope with life’s daily challenges. It helps those who have experienced physical trauma to relieve the stress they carry in their bodies as muscle memory.
“My experience in the Harmonic Egg was one of complete peacefulness and a level of deep stillness and relaxation that I had never experienced before.”
Clients have reported relief from the stress of divorce and difficult relationships, from health-related anxiety, work-related tension, and even long-standing PTSD symptoms. They report better sleep, more energy, and greater mental focus following their sessions.
Using the Harmonic Egg as a relaxation therapy is a natural way for the psyche to heal itself and halt the harmful progression that stress and anxiety produce within the body. The Harmonic Egg provides a method for holistic healing that leads to better physical health as well as emotional wellness.